
At The Social Review, we want to welcome new voices and hope to encourage new writers to put themselves forward. We aim to be a space that allows people to hone their skills and develop as writers. We know that the challenge of getting started can at times seem incredibly daunting, so here are our guidelines for how to pitch to us:

  • Give a brief outline of your idea – explain why you want to write about the subject and why it’s relevant.
  • Your pitch should be no more than 200 words, and should summarise in 3-5 bullet points the argument/point structure of your proposed article.
  • Please let us know how many words you expect your draft to be
    • We mostly publish pieces around 800 words, but are open to longer pieces too
  • Please let us know when you expect a first draft to be ready
    • There is no rush to get a draft in.
    • Deadlines can work entirely around you, but it’s important we’re kept updated if you need more time than was agreed.
  • Please do not send us a full piece before we have agreed to your pitch.
  • If you are pitching an interview, please include the names of any interviewees.
  • If you are reviewing a book, please let us know if you’d like us to try to source it for you
  • We should get back to you within a week – if not, do please send us a follow up email, or DM our editor-in-chief @ciaranmcgurdy on Twitter.
  • As we are a team made up of volunteers, we unfortunately cannot offer payment.
  • Email your pitch to editors@thesocialreview.co.uk

Do not feel intimidated or underestimate yourself. Writing is a craft, and like any other, demands a lot of practice. We don’t expect anyone starting out to be able to write a perfect piece. We are proud to organise a space that offers a learning experience for new writers. Remember that even very experienced writers are rejected at times, and that if you are unsucessful we will still be open to other pieces that might better fit the profile of our website in future.